Kunstverein Milano is a nonprofit organisation and an experimental curatorial platform, founded in 2010 as an itinerant research and production project for contemporary art.

Kunstverein Milano is part of an international network of sister organisations, "kunstvereins in franchise", with chapters in Amsterdam, New York, Toronto and Aughrim. Kunstverein Milano is founded and directed by Katia Anguelova, Alessandra Poggianti and Andrea Wiarda.

Kunstverein Milano functions as an open space for dialogue and exchange, as a pop-up meeting point, a screening room, a library and exhibition space.
Exploring dynamics between the public and the private, Kunstverein reflects on how cultural practices are traditionally administrated and uses non-conventional methods to host contemporary art's many languages, in collaboration with artists, curators and cultural professionals with the objective to formulate hypotheses and respond to urgent contemporary questions in a completely independent way.
Conscious of the fact that definite answers do not exist, Kunstverein intends to develop acquired knowledge, to exchange and to alternate points of view, and to learn continuously.

Kunstverein is an independent cultural association and is supported by our members, institutions and companies who wish to contribute and participate to art and culture supporting Kunstverein's activities. To become a member please check out the modalities here.

KV Survey Shop is one strategy to sustain the work of Kunstverein Milano.


Kunstverein (Milano)

Fondatrici & co-direttrici

Katia Anguelova
Alessandra Poggianti
Andrea Wiarda

Collaborating editor and curator

Andrea di Serego Alighieri

Collaborating communications curator

Giorgia Grippa


Kunstverein [Amsterdam]
Kunstverein [New York]
Kunstverein [Toronto]
Kunstverein [Aughrim]


Tania Gianesin
Hou Hanru
Cesare Pietroiusti
Roberto Pinto
Guillermo Santamarina
Barbara Visser


A tutti che in modo diverso hanno contribuito all'attività di Kunstverein Milano