Voce a vento
Claudia Losi
The edition has been produced on the occastion of the pubblication +vinyl record Voce a vento by Claudia Losi.
The work is based on a choral, visual and performative project of the same name, Voce a vento, which Claudia Losi developed in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, located along the west coast in the southern Campania region of Italy in 2018. Voce a vento included the polyphonic and choral singing by a group of about 30 women from the Emilia Romagna and Campania regions of Italy dwelling the trails of Monte Bulgheria. Along the route thirty original wind sleeves, redesigned and mended by the artist, were mounted at the top of four-metre-high aluminum poles, like vertical, moving traces that continued to give testimony to the sounds and voices that passed below for three months after the event.
Title: Voce a vento
Dimensions: 32 x 32 cm
Edition: 50
Technique: linocut on (printed) paper Keaykolour Chalk 300gr
two sided, unique prints, signed and numbered
€ 135 - print edition
€ 150 - edition + artist's book+LP artist's book + LP
€ 120 - edition + artist's book+LP for Kunstverein members
For information please write to Kunstverein