Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition
Ordina €90,00

Comment un petit chasseur païen devient Prêtre Catholique_Special Edition

Georges Senga



French & English version

for more information:

L'artista congolese Georges Senga lavora sulla figura di Bonaventure Salumu, “cacciatore pagano” che tra gli anni ‘40 e ‘60 del XX secolo riceve un’educazione cristiana da alcuni missionari, viene ordinato al sacerdozio come Gesuita, si trasferisce in Europa e infine torna nel suo villaggio natale, dove diventa marito e padre. Attraverso la narrazione di una storia intima e personale (il viaggio di Salumu in Europa, la sua permanenza, i suoi viaggi, il ritorno nello Zaire, oggi Repubblica Democratica del Congo), il progetto esplora le relazioni pre-coloniali e post-coloniali tra Europa e Africa, a partire dal XVI secolo e fino alla modernità.

Georges Senga investigates into the figure of Bonaventure Salumu, so-called "pagan hunter", who between the 1940s and 60s received a Christian education from missionaries in Congo, following which he was ordained to priesthood as a Jesuit, moved to Europe, eventually returning to his native village where he became a husband and father.
Through the narration of an intimate and personal story (the travel of Salamu through Europe, his permanence, his travels, the return to Zaire, today Democratic Republic of Congo), the project explore the pre-colonial and post-colonial relationship between Europe and Africa, starting by the XVI century until the modernity.

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